Sandra: |
Hi, I’m Sandra, I’m going to be your MC for today’s Wednesday webinar. We have with those today or managing director talking Johnson and got one lead who is director of operations at Isi. They are going to be talking to you today about project management soft skills part to a couple of days. Before we begin, we are streaming this webinar live to facebook and you do. If you have any questions, just post them in the comments and we will be will be. We will be back to you will be answering them and if we don’t have time for it for it today, we’ll just going to continue as a. If you have a twitter use hashtag underscores insights and include that the handle at name c underscore insights and we can get all your questions from twitter. We will answer everything at the end of the Webinar and please if you have any questions today or tomorrow, whatever they expose them and we’ll come back to you. We will be recording this webinar so we’re going to be putting them in order to channel after, so be sure to go back to it and watch. Part one is willing or youtube channel, remember to join us in all of social media, facebook, twitter, instagram, whatever you prefer. And that’s everything for me with afforded to do docker. They’re all yours. |
Tucker: |
Thank you very much, Sandra, for that very warm welcome. As Sandra said, my name is Tucker Johnson. I am the managing director of Nimsy insights and I just want to get us kick started today by talking about the goals of what we want to do here today. Now, if you joined this part, part one, then a lot of this may seem like repeat material and that’s just fine because this essentially to the second part of a two part series about what we’re going to start off, but I want to be clear that we’re going to be reviewing some things that we already know in here. So, um, we’re gonna cover a lot of basics in here, but hopefully along the way we’re going to learn some new techniques. And if you can take one or two things from this webinar today that you can put it into practical use immediately, then we consider that a success. |
Tucker: |
And the practicality of this is a big deal of what we’re trying to do here. We want to give you some simple, actionable, practical things that you implemented immediately to start getting immediate results that you can start seeing from your efforts. And really as managers, what we want to be doing is leading by example for our team members and our, our, um, the, the managers reporting to us. So in, in the first part of this, I asked you to look at this from two different sets of eyes, one from your set of eyes and another from the set of eyes of perhaps your colleagues or your director important to people that are reporting to you. Thinking, what can these people get from this? How can I share this Webinar, share this information with other people that it may be useful for? Sandy. I’m going to ask you to do the same thing today and on our agenda today. |
Tucker: |
Just quickly to recap, if you haven’t had a chance to view in part one of our webinar and it’s available on Youtube and it’s available on the Nimsy facebook page, I encourage you to check it out. We covered a universal soft skills. I started off by talking about some soft skills that can be applicable to any situation regardless of the situation. Carolyn and brought it in a little deeper to talk about managing stakeholders, meaning external stakeholders like clients and your supply chain and internal stakeholders as well. This time we’re going to bring it down even more specific as we get into part two and Carolyn’s going to start off by talking about how to manage your team. Most project managers have teams that they work with the either reports directly to the project manager or they just work with the project manager, so it’s a very important subject that we need to cover as managing the team. |
Tucker: |
Probably spend most of the time on that today. Then I’m going to say go over and talk about this one thing that we don’t often talk about. We don’t talk about enough with just managing yourself as project managers, we we often forget, we’re so busy managing everybody else. We often forget to manage ourselves, so I’m going to talk about that a little bit today and then we’re gonna wrap it up by giving a, a brief summary of what we’ve talked about and some practical tips for how we can get to work right away. So really excited to get started here. With that, I’m going to turn it over to my colleague Carolyn, who’s going to kick us off with managing your team. Carolyn, take it away. |
Caroline: |
Hi everybody. It’s very nice to be here again and be doing our second part of project management skills. I hope that you found a lot what now are useful and today as mentioned it now we will onto a part managing your team and the junior and I was managing your team. Whether you are a project manager or a supervisor or a language. There is always a team that you have to work with. Your team is key not only to your own team, your company and your clients and that’s why we decided to include this part in our Webinar to mention that when it comes to managing a team and when it comes to leadership, there’s so many different ways to go about this and there is really no methodology that will fit perfectly for everybody, but what I’m doing today in sharing my thoughts based on my experiences and my goal, just like what hazards I just now is to share some useful, actionable and practical information with you. Help Inspire and provide them guidance. |
Caroline: |
So we’re here today because most of us are from the language industry. Working as an Lsp, we fill many brides and talented people have been an extremely valuable experience for me. And I won’t do my presentation because I touch base on what it is like as an lsp miscalculate aspect to feel very familiar to those of us from the language industry. So we all have a team with a wide range of palace and we’re able to translate and work with hundreds of different languages. It’s an impressive number and shows that we all come from a multicultural, multilingual background that fits very well to what we do on a daily basis |
Caroline: |
and we can be a project manager, a coordinator of DDP or a localization engineer, a linguist and so on and so forth, and most importantly we are the problem solvers. Will always wear a different hat and depending on the company, there’s always a busy period where we are hit with overwhelming workload and this is where team work really comes into play. We deal with not just type the nearly impossible or simply implausible that lies things move along very bad. The industry also, a lot of what we do can be repetitive. For example, creating quotes or orders. Then you file for linguists formatting files in a specific way, sending cranium noises or building the clients last week because many things need to be done in a very specific way and it’s important to have streamlined process in place so everyone is doing things that family and this also promotes cross training and prevent single points of failure when things need to be tackled. Or Jesse. I predominantly like to have privacy and I believe that good processees eventually need to a capable, successful and team that will function extremely effective. |
Caroline: |
So what is a leader? In my opinion, they are three things that’d be fine. Number one, people in trust you as we know any good relationship is based on trust and when it comes to managing the team, there’s no exception and second people in follow you. We can trust and good instruction. You’ll make good soldiers to you to get a job there, and the third one is people can be inspired by you and this is the most important one because you want to give you a team their own internal drive, not just pushing them to get a job done. You meet your team to not just listen to you and do what you asked them to do. You also need them to believe in what you believe. |
Caroline: |
So the title of this slide is start with why this enters questions such as how do you get people to trust you, to follow you and to be fight by you. These are the key questions for how you become a more effective leader for trust. You know what you’re talking about. Do you know why you’re giving instructions and making decisions? The idea is that you need to know why you’re doing and make sure the team knows why you’re doing them. That’s how you can build trust. The more you make the decisions, the more they can trust your ability and when it comes to following, the stem thing applies to letting people know they can follow your instructions. Show them that again, follow your lead by making sure that they know why you’re telling them to do that and how this makes sense. And third one, very important one. |
Caroline: |
Again, how do you become an inspired leader? So when you have a clear vision and a reason for everything that you do, this will help make your decision the faster and more purpose. Finding that purpose for why you do is developing your team overall strategy and or becoming a better leader. In many companies, leaders simply tell their employees would just make a change with an expectation that the benefits are obvious. However, without knowing why a change is being made and what a big are for creating the feature well, if people will see only the hassle and problems associated with the change, you a job as a leader is not just to provide instruction, but to explain the full reason or how to change will benefit everyone in the company. Your message and present need to be as simple and clear as possible. You’re not. Your instruction is watch will inspire and motivate people to do good thing. |
Caroline: |
So the next one is what is expected of you as a leader. You always have to be by providing a good example, and this is very important. I’m going to repeat again. Always lead by example because the culture comes from the top. It always does. Anyone remember? Your team’s behavior is a reflection of your behavior. For example, if you have not responsive, your may not be or to the client. You want to encourage your team to call you when they have any challenges and be authentic. Be even some work related issue. Work together to find a good solution. If it’s personal, depending on the situation, very understanding and tell them that you’re there if there’s anything you can do for them, |
Caroline: |
so what do your employees want to know? There are two things, what’s my job and what will my job be six months from now, so basically they want to know wanting to do now to get ahead and they want to know how they can still be a value in the near future. I’ll do work with them. First, you’ll need to set very clear goals with them and tell them what development plan you will be giving them sent meaningful by realistic goal because you want to set them up for success, give more weight to more important targets, and finally was measurable criteria to determine what it means to meet or exceed the goal. So for example, that a number of projects and complete or percentage of projects completed without era’s or complaints for now and on time delivery rate saying under a specific budget or achieving our revenue targets. |
Caroline: |
These are specific and measurable goals that you could use to wait into a show. The employees they’ve met or exceeded it, so gold can change. We all have to be flexible based on different circumstances, but measurable expectations will be set to let people know how to stay on track and use the regular one on one. Usually I like doing one on ones with my employees maybe once a week or every other week because these are great opportunities for me to provide clear, constructive and timely and specific feedback. Whether they’re doing good or they’re doing bad, they need to know. |
Caroline: |
And next one is providing feedback. So as a manager, a big part of our responsibility is to provide feedback and that’s why I wanted to spend some time with these guns providing feedback and again, you always want to set people up for success. When you set them up for success, then your company, it becomes a win winning environments where the company not only achieved goals that each employee, ms dot creating environment where leaders are not just looking out for themselves but also looking out for their team and will be better for the company. More realm in the long run. So when you have an opportunity to provide feedback, can immediately even wait more than a week to give feedback. You will be more difficult for everyone to remember what happened. It will also be more difficult to apply in the future. Also, you need to be very specific about what went well and what could use improvement focused on facts and talk about specifically was that typically shoot up being done in a different way and what are the alternative option you’re going to a general no one will know what to do if the occurrence again and try to see things from their perspective, but also we’ll ask them to understand how things look from your own. |
Caroline: |
And they all have creative ways to provide feedback. For example, you can do with your team. You can do role plays or scenarios. All of this will promote problems. They’ll be skills and encourage everyone to brainstorm and find solutions together. A working relationship between employer and the employee needs to be a good fit on both sides. In some cases a person will not be a good fit for a role. And um, this is definitely one of the harder issues that a leader needs to deal with and unfortunately as the leader, we all have to deal with this, but in the long run, it’s best for everyone if the right person is found or the right role. So by setting people up for success, by providing immediate and authentic feedback and by working with your team members, you won’t be trying your best and everyone on your team forward and it may become absolutely necessary. You may have to let someone go. And when the issue is about fit, you might be doing the person a favor and they might think you later. |
Caroline: |
So as a leader, you need to take full ownership of everything to habits underneath you. If one of your employees, Mrs that line or offensive clients, or if you’re experiencing an ip issue, the your entire office. Now as a leader, you are responsible for making sure that these events that lead to longterm damage the longterm damage to your company. You are therefore responsible for putting in the trending the contingency plans into place to give you a team and company the best chance of succeeding if situation arises, don’t plan and don’t point fingers after his Alford have prolonged provided federal context trending or guidance to prevent this or similar events from occurring. So when you take full responsibility, then your team will also learn to be responsible for their actions and trust me, you will notice a change almost immediately. |
Caroline: |
One of the big problems in any company is how to keep meeting. Every solution seems to involve another set of patients. One way to keep this under control in scrum, personally, I’m a big fan of scrums. Don’t run meetings are short, 10 to 15 minutes with a group of key decision makers in that meeting. Each person briefly describes in one minute whether working on what challenges they’re facing, what actions they’re taking, and their timeline for completing their tasks. When each team member describe what challenge they’re facing and they are waiting, all it becomes easier for other team members can coordinate with them to figure out how to prioritize first. That also includes studies, Short, measurable milestone that can be accomplished in a short period of time. Some people called it spring, this health equity, gold through that environment. If the team ascent of when the goals aren’t met, it helps you figure out how long it takes to accomplish any tasks and scrum also helps keep being transparent, which always helps keep up morale and prevent people from internalizing their feeling and in my experience are extra important during a busy period because you need to meet up with people, you need to talk to them. |
Caroline: |
Otherwise it’s easy for them to internalize their feelings and in my field, disgruntled due to the heavy workload and bitch project makes it easier and clear that you are together as a team rather than each person looking out for themselves and at its best ground can help teams become autonomous and capable of finding solutions for many issues. |
Caroline: |
And lastly, I want to tell you about learn to let go of perfection. So we’re what are we are because of many reasons and one of the region can be we are all professionals and we are all a little avail. VD, we want everything to be perfect, a perfectly done or do be done in a very, very specific way, unless of course you are actually a brain surgeon, in which case please do your best, but for most of us, imperfection is going to happen. What are you plan for us or not? So you need to create an atmosphere where people can come to you for solutions when mistakes happen and focus on next steps rather blame will help you move forward and better results as a team and remember, take responsibility, take ownership, and take the blame and think about how you can provide feedback to the team immediately. And that concludes my part of this Webinar. Thank you very much. It’s been a pleasure. I don’t like to train her for the next part. |
Tucker: |
Thank you so much Carolyn. That was, that was awesome. I especially like the um, I use this all the time. Learn to be comfortable with imperfection. I think sometimes as project managers, as we get promoted, as leader, as we become, we get promoted to that point because we’re good at what we do. A good project managers become senior project managers and manage people and good project managers are good at doing things. And one of the struggles I see all the time happening is leader, project manager. Senior project managers often find that the people of their team members, the people they’re working with don’t do it good enough. They don’t do as well as they would themselves. So it’s, um, it’s an interesting. It’s an interesting thing. So my section now managing yourself. I, I’m very excited to talk about this because this is one of the often overlooked things when we talk about management with project managers is this idea of managing ourselves and as project managers, we’re often so wrapped up in managing our supply chain, managing our teams, managing our clients, managing our bosses that we forget to manage ourselves. |
Tucker: |
And really this is one of the most important things that we can do as project managers because at the end of the day, we’re the only people that we actually have control over. Like I’m the only person that I have control over real control in this world. And we’re going to talk a little bit about that today is an exciting topic for me. And to start off, I want to talk about this idea of getting to know yourself and so many people out there and project managers or otherwise I find it don’t, don’t take the time to get to know themselves and, and it’s kind of a shame really at the base of it. You need to know two things about yourself, what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses? And this is true in life and it’s throwing business. Because if, if I don’t know my strengths, then I don’t know what it is that I can do that adds value. |
Tucker: |
Whether that’s adding value to my clients, adding value to my team members, adding value to whatever stakeholders or whatever process I’m doing, I really need to know what I’m good at because that’s where I’m going to want to focus my energies on because that’s where I can maximize the amount of value that I bring to the situation. Because firstly though, I also need to know my weaknesses. And this is especially true for managers. Anybody in a leadership position, because if I don’t know my weaknesses, then I don’t know where I may be missing missing out or dropping the ball, but I do know my weaknesses. Then I can make sure to put into place either processes or other people that help compensate for those weaknesses. Now that might mean that for example, if I don’t like doing sales, I don’t like account management, I don’t like talking to clients. |
Tucker: |
Then what I’m going to want to do is I’m going to want to make sure that there’s one or two good people on my team that are really good talking to clients and then I don’t have to do that. Let them do it and that’s how you can build a really functional, effective team, but only if you know your strengths and only if you know your weaknesses. The next thing every project manager or anybody should know about themselves is what are your goals specifically who or where do you see yourself in five years? So what? What’s your one year goal? What’s your five year goal? What’s your 10 year goal? And a lot of people, myself included at different points, I don’t have a five year goal. They don’t know where they want to see themselves in five years. And this is a shame because if I don’t know where I want to be, then I can’t take steps to get there. |
Tucker: |
If I don’t know where the x on the treasure map is, then I, I have no map. I can’t follow the treasure map. So if you want to progress in your career, if you want to progress in life, I strongly suggest that you sit down and get to know yourself. What are your strengths, what are your weaknesses, and what are your goals? Where do you want to be five years from now? That’s very forward looking. And in order to look forward, we need to know what we’re doing here in the presence and in the president. Why am I here? And I don’t mean this so much. And like the existential sense of like, why are any of us here? Um, they’ll kind of like kind of dooming it like that. I specifically made it like, what am I doing as a leader, as a project manager? |
Tucker: |
Is this, is this something that I’m passionate about? Do I enjoy this work? Um, what value do I bring to this work? And the reason this is important is because I’ve seen so many people, there’s not much sadder in this world, more sad than seeing someone struggle to be in a role that they’re not a good fit for. And that that has certainly been me in the past. I had positions and I’ve had jobs that I was not great for and I wasn’t happy. My bosses weren’t happy, my clients weren’t happy, and if I’m honest with myself, I, I need to be constantly asking is this a good fit for me and am I doing the right thing? Why am I here? It’s a very important question to ask. So that’s kind of the high level of getting to know ourselves because it’s. I wanted to start talking about this because it leads very nicely into these more granular subjects of what to do in certain situations. |
Tucker: |
So particularly I want to talk about what do we do when we’re upset and this is important to talk about because when we’re upset, when I’m upset, I find that I make poor decisions. I say things that shouldn’t be said and it it can often not go so well. So here’s some practical simple things that that, that I’ve learned that really saved my butt in the past. First of all, the drafts folder is your friend and I mean in your email inbox before hitting send on that email that might not be incredibly polite. Save it in your drafts folder. This has saved me so many times. If you have time, if you can, if you can afford it, save it in your drafts folder for 24 hours, come back to it, 24 hours later, reread it. Does it still seem appropriate? Does it still seem necessary to send it? |
Tucker: |
And if the answer is yes, then go ahead and send it, but 95 percent of the time that I saved the email in my drafts folder before sending, I come back to it and I realized, Oh, I’m glad I didn’t send that because maybe it wasn’t the nicest thing to send. Another option is just to, uh, get someone to proofread it for Ya. So that could be a boss, it could be a colleague, someone neutral, somewhat like a third party who doesn’t have a vested emotional stake in whatever situation you may be dealing with. And they can usually quickly tell you, Yup, Yup, that looks okay. I don’t see anything inappropriate there. Or they say, Whoa, you might want to rethink even sending that at all. Or maybe here’s, here’s some edits that you can that you can, um, implement before sending, um, but it never hurts to have the email looked at by a third party, uh, particularly one of the things that you can do as well during this process with the email saved in your drafts folder. |
Tucker: |
You’re having it for Fred by somebody else or edited by somebody else. Go back and reread the original email that you got. Now I’m, this is a situation that involves email. Um, sometimes I will get an email and I will read it and I will understand it in a certain way and I take offense to that. I become upset and then I want to respond and then upset manner and I’ll write out this long, this long, either passive or aggressive, aggressive gay male in response. I’ll save it in my drafts folder. And then while it’s sitting in my drafts folder, I go back and I read the original email that I had received and I realized, oh, they’re not saying that all what I thought they were saying like they’re not being a jerk. They’re just saying blah, blah, blah. And I’m so glad that I reread it because here I have this nasty passive aggressive, toxic email that I want to send it back and it’s all for nothing. |
Tucker: |
It is because of my misunderstanding. So reread it. The original email. Get someone else to read it, see if they. Their understanding of it is the same as your understanding that you took away from it. And where possible, pick up the phone. People responds differently when you get them on the phone. If, if, if someone in the same office as you, that you may be upset with, go by their desk, go talk to them in person, in person, that’s even better than, than the phone. No, the one scenario where I don’t recommend doing this is when you were very, very, very upset. Um, give yourself some time to cool off. I’m not saying that when I’m upset, I need to go confront that person immediately while I’m still mad. No, I’m saying the opposite of that mistake. If you are, give yourself some time process it’s and then go talk to that person or pick up the phone and talk to that person. |
Tucker: |
But if I’m still physically shaking because that’s how upset I am, I last thing I want to do is go see that go by that person’s desk. Trust me, it was Carolyn said this. Remember we’re not brain surgeons. When we mess up, nobody dies. Um, a lot of what we’re going to talk about in a bit, a lot of the stuff that gets us in trouble in trouble is it essentially boils down to taking ourselves too seriously ego. And at least with me, I’m usually when I’m upset, I find that as because my ego is getting in the way, or perhaps I’m taking myself a little bit too seriously, a little bit more seriously than, than I should or I feel that somebody else isn’t taking me as seriously as they should be taking me. I’m all just fancy ways of saying my, my ginormous ego is getting in the way. |
Tucker: |
So watch out for you. Go. Um, another tool that is very useful for me when managing myself is really making sure that I’m asking myself the question, what, what do I have control over? Um, it’s important because, well, the first step is I need to identify what’s in my control and what’s not in my control. And there’s different levels of control. But really at its core definition, as I mentioned earlier, the only thing that I have control over complete control is myself. The Way I interact with other people, the way I respond to situations, I have complete control over that. I have zero control over how other people respond to situations. I have zero control over what happens most of the time, most days. Um, but I can control how I respond in the way I act now. The stuff that I don’t have control over, it’s important that I don’t dwell on that. |
Tucker: |
Um, that’s not productive. It’s not productive for me. It’s not productive for anybody else. I know folks that they will analyze their day and go back and say, oh, when I was talking to so and so, I should have said this instead of that. Or maybe I shouldn’t have done that instead of this and dwell on that. And that’s, that stuff’s all in the past that happened already. It’s in the past, so I don’t have any control over it. So there’s no point in, in me or you or anybody dwelling on stuff that happened already. Now can you learn from it? That goes back to that knowing yourself and self reflection and being self critical. Yes, absolutely. But don’t lose sleep over it. Do not dwell on what has already happened. Do not dwell on things that you can control. Did your company go bankrupt? You don’t have any control over that. |
Tucker: |
Um, should you be, should you take action on that? Should you make some decisions and do some things? Absolutely, but don’t dwell on it. Don’t stress out over it. Stave your stress for things that you can control and for those things you need to take decisive action, take quick action and, um, get the results that you want and because you’re not dwelling on all the stuff that you don’t have any control over, then you have that much more energy to focus on taking actual real steps in taking action towards the things that you do have control over. So very important, um, whether in management project management, whether in life, uh, don’t spend a lot of time wasting your, you have a limited amount of stress. Don’t stress out over things that aren’t going to get to actual results. And I started it before. I will say it one last time. |
Tucker: |
Most of this comes down to ego when I’m talking about managing myself. What I’m talking about is huge ego and that’s not always so difficult. Uh, you asked me in a bad mood, you catch me before my coffee in the morning and I’m not going to respond very well and usually it’s because I’m thinking a little bit too highly of myself or my, my abilities or maybe I’m not thinking highly enough of other people’s needs or wants. And as a general rule, the less self involved I can be as a manager, as a vendor, as a client, as a human being, the better results I get, which is somewhat paradoxical, like the less I worried about myself and my needs and my, what I want, the more value I get in, the more value that I give into any situations. And that’s all just done by, by keeping your ego in check and keeping my ego in check. |
Tucker: |
It’s one of the most important things I can do to manage myself. So what does this all mean? What, what, what, where, where can we go from here? And I want to leave you guys today. We want to leave you guys today with some, some, some practical advice, some key takeaways from this. So Jerilyn talked about how trust is essential, and I can’t agree more, is that if you don’t have an environment of trust built with your team, your colleagues, your stakeholders, then it’s going to be very, very hard to get anything done. We wasted so much time not trusting people that it’s one of the most. It’s one of the worst efficiency killers out there, is lack of trust. And how do you build a culture of trust? Well, if you’re a manager, if you’re a leader, and then the good news is in the badness perhaps is that culture comes from the top. |
Tucker: |
If you’re in a position of leadership or management, then you have an opportunity to influence the culture of the team that you work with. Now, just to reiterate what Carolyn already mentioned, is that typically when I present culture comes from the top. I put parentheses always in all capital letters, triple exclamation point. Because I have yet to see an exception to this rule. If you want to understand the culture of a team, let’s say you started in just got a new job at a new company or you’re changing teams within a company or whatever the scenario may be, and it’s very simple to understand what the culture of the company or that team is going to be. Just watch deleter just watched the senior manager of that team and I guarantee you the way that person acts, the way that person treats people. That is going to be the culture of the team. |
Tucker: |
If that person to work a holic, then a lot of people on the team are going to be working very long hours. If that person is arrogance, then there’s going to be a lot of arrogance. If that person is very humble and polite, then people are going to be played on that. Team. Culture comes from the top. The good news is if you’re a manager, you get to influence the culture that’s affecting your team on a daily basis. One of the ways we can do that is one of the best ways to promote culture is interacting with your team members, providing feedback to them, as Carolyn mentioned, make sure it’s timely. Um, make sure it’s relevant, make sure it’s coming from a place of constructive feedback. It’s coming from a good place. And the reason this comes so close to talking about trust is because that if you have that culture of trust than providing feedback is very appropriate, very easy and very expected because people trust each other and you don’t have to waste time. |
Tucker: |
I’m beating around the Bush, essentially. Be careful. If you don’t have this strong culture of trust built, then feedback could be perceived in a negative light. So be careful of that. And when I say provide feedback, I’m not just talking about to your team members, I’m talking about yourself too. We talked a little bit about managing yourself, so provided feedback to yourself, be self critical. Um, as I mentioned earlier, don’t lay awake at night criticizing yourself, thinking everything that you could have done better throughout the day, but make a mental note of it. Recognize things that you could’ve done better, noted down mentally and make a resolution to yourself the next time I’m going to do it differently. I’m going to do x, Y, and z instead of a, b, and c, um, because next time is something that I still have control over last time is something that I don’t have any control over. |
Tucker: |
And so I, I can’t dwell over it and I keep coming back to this point and because it’s, it’s so important is we really need to focus on what’s in our sphere of control and really practiced this, this concept of acceptance, if you will, of things that are outside our control. You saved yourself time, you save yourself stress and you will keep. You will not get gray hair as quickly. You won’t go boldest quickly. Me Like me, it was spent way too much time stressing about stuff that I shouldn’t be stressing about. So, so the summit up here that we have some homework for you. We hear you. Here’s what we would like to see you guys do with the information presented in this two part Webinar. If you haven’t watched part one, please go check it out. It’s available on Youtube. It’s available on MCS facebook page. |
Tucker: |
Uh, it’s available at www dot [inaudible] dot com. You can watch it in its entirety. Check it out. I’m Sharon, like, and share, subscribe, all that stuff. But coming out of this Webinar is the same thing. We want you at the first Webinar or continue with the conversation. If you think this was useful or you think this could be useful to somebody that you know or work with or who reports to you, continue the conversation. Talk to folks about this of figure out what could we be doing better as a team? What can I be doing better as a project manager? So don’t stop here. It doesn’t mean that everything presented in these webinar series is going to be relevant to everybody. If you can find one or two things from part one or part two or both, maybe found one thing from both parts that really works for you or that spoke to you, then I consider this a six tests. |
Tucker: |
I consider it an assessable webinar. Um, if you found nothing, then I apologize, we will refund 100 percent of your money. Don’t worry about it, but you don’t need to take all of the advice in here figuring out what works for you. Focus on that. If you think something that can be helpful for your team, roll it out. Uh, the, these, these webinars are available on Youtube. I’ll share it with folks. Uh, you can use it in this training. If you have questions, contact us. Um, I’ll, I’ll put our emails down in the description for the links and reach out to us anytime Carolyn or myself. We’d both be very happy to hear from you, but if you’re going to roll this out or if you’re going to take action, here’s what I ask of you. I have a favor to ask. Don’t get distracted because the number one reason I see initiatives fail in larger companies is because they get, it gets rolled out. |
Tucker: |
People get excited to see, wow, a bunch of really great ideas in here. And then they get busy or the client sends a big hand off and everybody kind of forgets about it. So if you really want to make progress on this, and I’m saying this because it’s the only way you got to keep, you can’t get distracted, you got to keep focused, uh, put it on your calendar. Now with a 30 day check out, the 60 day checkup and 92, they check up with your team, with yourself just to sit down and take inventory of how am I doing all of the stuff that we talked about, all of the stuff that we learned in this webinar. How am I doing with that? Am I making progress? Have I have it defined, my five year goals? Have I identified my strengths and weaknesses? Have I taken steps to build a culture of trust on my team? |
Tucker: |
Asking yourself these questions, ask yourself then ask yourself the same questions in 30 days, in 60 days and 90 days. So put it on your calendars. Now follow up. Um, you won’t be sorry. And with that I, I would like to invite for questions, but at the same time I want to be very respectful of everybody’s time. So what I’m going to ask folks to do is I’m navy or questions in the comments, whether you’re logging in facebook and youtube, um, if email’s really your thing, then go ahead and send us an email. I’ll make sure those are in the descriptions. And with that I want to say thank you very much. Carolyn, did you have any closing remarks to, to bring us home? |
Caroline: |
Talk to her again. It’s really been a pleasure and thank you everyone for your time. I hope you found the way. Not at all. Radical. |
Tucker: |
Wonderful. Thank you so much, caroline. Thank you to everybody that joined today. With that, we’re signing off and we wish you a very wonderful day. |