

emailEmail: [email protected]


Founded: 2020
Updated: 13 / 06 / 2024

LivoLink logo

error_outline Main Info

Deployment model

Private cloud

add_circle_outline Additional functionality


doneIntegrated OCR

power Integrations



Public Machine translation


Supported file formats

done.NET localization formats (.resx .resw)
doneAdobe FrameMaker (.mif)
doneAdobe InCopy (.icml)
doneAdobe InDesign (.idml .indb)
doneAdobe InDesign™ (.inx)
doneASP.NET (.asp .aspx .ascx)
doneComma-Separated Values (.csv)
doneDITA (.dita)
doneExcel (.xls .xlsx)
doneJava property files (.properties)
doneJavaScript (.json)
doneMemoQ (.mqxliff)
doneMicrosoft Office (.doc .docx .xls .xlsx .xlsm .ppt .pptx)
doneMicrosoft Visio (.vsdx)
doneMicrosoft Visio (vdx)
doneMicrosoft Windows text file (.txt)
doneMS Help™ Workshop (.HHC .HHK)
doneMultilingual website GetText Portable object (.po .pot)
doneMultilingual XML formats (.xml)
doneOpenOffice (.sxw .odt .ods .odp)
donePDF (.pdf)
doneQuark Express (.xtg)
doneRich Text Format (.rtf)
doneSDL Trados Tag Editor (.ttx)
doneSubRip text (srt)
doneTrados Studio (.sdlxliff)
doneWeb pages (.html .htm .xhtml .xht .shtml .shtm)
doneXLIFF (.xlf)

subject Video

info_outline About

Translation business/project management + CAT tool, all in one place.
“Radically reduce your operational costs and management times in an intuitive, minimalistic, user-friendly workspace”


1. Client panel
2. Vendor panel
3. Project management
4. Automatic projects
5. Automatic vendor selection
6. Workflow management
7. Product templates
8. Memories and glossaries
9. Automatic quotes
10. Automatic invoicing
11. Automatic communication
12. Communication templates (editing)
13. LivoCAT editor
15. CAT integration
16. MT integration
17. MTQE ($)
18. OCR cloud ($)
19. CRM
20. Standard reports
21. Dedicated reports
22. Settlements
23. Online payments
24. API on request

Best For:

LSPs of all sizes, as well as localization departments in corporations.


Livo was founded in 2020 by a medium-sized LSP and a group of IT specialists who found the current market solutions to be overly complex and expensive. Current headcount: 10


In LivoLINK, implementation is for free.
The system has MTQE algorithms that directly and automatically affect the price offered to vendors for each segment type, based on the scoring.
LivoLink also features additional integrations such as online payments przelewy24, accounting software Holded, Abbyy.

image Screenshots

LivoLink screenshot
LivoLink screenshot
LivoLink screenshot

local_atm Pricing

Translator Pricing

Team Pricing

Livolink offers a free demo for 1 month, with all the features of the Enterprise and Enterprise + packages, and also including an MTQE in one language combination.
Moreover, implementation is completely for free.

g_translate Translator workbench

Editor functionality

doneConcordance search
doneMultiple file chaining into a single editable job
doneMultiple segment filtering optionshelp_outline
doneSearch and replace
doneSupports right-to-left languages

Translation Editor OS support

doneWeb editor


doneAdaptive machine translation integratedhelp_outline
doneAutomated locking of non-translatables (tags & numbers)help_outline
doneMachine translation integrated
doneShared Public TM


doneLive suggestions from term base
doneQA check for consistency


doneComments for segments
doneTracked changes

record_voice_over PM workbench

Access (PM)

doneWeb app


doneAutomated project creation and resource allocation
doneDocument version historyhelp_outline
doneInvoice generation
doneJob analysis and price calculation based on TM & MT
doneKPIs and budget dashboardhelp_outline
doneOverdue job notifications
doneProject status and issues dashboardshelp_outline
donePurchase order generationhelp_outline
doneSplitting one project between several linguists
doneTask manager for an in-house team
doneTime tracking & speed analytics
doneVendor price lists and cost analyticshelp_outline


doneNon-linguistic tasks allowed in workflowshelp_outline
doneWorkflow builder
doneWorkflows can launch from an API call

Vendor management

doneAutomated vendor selection based on rules and quality scoreshelp_outline
doneFirst come first served job allocationhelp_outline
donePayment automationhelp_outline
doneProject sharing (subcontracting)help_outline
doneVendor availability trackinghelp_outline
doneVendor profiles
doneVendor quality dashboardhelp_outline
doneVendors can log in to review past & available work
doneVendors can upload invoices to the tool

Customer portal

doneAccess to terminology
doneAccess to workflow steps
doneAccess translation memory
doneClient review
doneInstant MT & TM a document
doneInstant Quotes
doneOrder history
donePayment processing
doneReporting & Analytics


doneCan prevent file downloads
doneISO 27001 certification
donePlaceholders for private user data
donePrevent MT use
doneRoles and access rights editor
doneUser activity logs