
The TMS Arena

Competition is fierce in the Translation Management System (TMS) arena, with dozens of providers duking it out to win over clients. However, that doesn’t mean some of the lesser-known names should give up the fight.

For our report on the TMS landscape, we have surveyed a panel of localization buyers on their thoughts about the market. We asked who they work with, what they think of the current market offering and what some of their challenges are. From there, we were able to rank which of the TMS have top-of-the-mind status.

TMS choices by frequency of mention


There are a variety of reasons that can dictate the selection of a TMS, from price or security to level of automation. Buyers may have been stuck with a TMS for over a decade and it no longer suits their needs. TMS providers develop new features regularly and it may be difficult to keep up with what is happening. However, buyers are keeping tabs on what is going on.

Almost 45 percent of our respondents claimed that while they are satisfied with their choice of TMS, they are still watching what is happening on the market. TMS providers shouldn’t rest on their laurelsthere are potential deals waiting for them out there.

If you would like to learn more about the make-up of today’s TMS mosaic, read the full report available to Nimdzi Partners here.

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