
Meeting With Your Localization Partner: How to Do It Well

Whether you’ve only recently engaged with an external localization partner or you’ve been working together for years, chances are your teams have never met or haven’t done so in a very long time! As COVID restrictions ease and the world opens up again, in-person meetings and business trips are finally resuming, allowing for real face-to-face time.

It’s of course possible to work well remotely, but there’s value in taking some time to focus specifically on your localization partnership to improve collaboration and communication, discuss delicate topics, share feedback with no room for misunderstandings, and dive deep on particular issues or projects that you never have the time to handle properly.

When doing so, what you want to ensure is that your time is spent wisely.

This has been a preview. The full article can be accessed online by Nimdzi Partners.

Spending quality time with your partners is essential. The full article goes into how you can plan for doing it regularly - and in person!
26 September 2022

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