Especially the market for medical interpreting is booming. However, it’s not the only lucrative sector in the US interpreting market.
In the United States, video relay services (VRS) are a well-established, government-funded system. It allows deaf people to make phone calls to anyone via a special video phone and instant access to a sign language interpreter.
VRS is funded by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). We looked into their current report and found that the FCC estimates the funding requirement for VRS at USD 482 million, confirming that this market is worth a substantial sum.
What’s even more impressive is the funding requirement if all remote public services facilitating communication for the deaf and hard of hearing are considered. These services include telecommunications relay services (TRS), speech-to-speech relay service (STS), and captioned telephone service (CTS), alongside VRS.
Sorenson Community Interpreting Services is the largest VRS provider in the United States. They have thousands of sign language interpreters in more than one hundred locations throughout the US and Canada.